We’re entering the beginning of a new school year and the American College Football season begins this weekend! For the first time in this podcast’s history, Jim welcomes a CMO of sorts from a large University: Pedro Ribeiro, the VP of Public Affairs and Communications for the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana.
When it comes to strong University brands, Notre Dame represents one of the best. Notre Dame was founded in 1842 by Reverend Edward Sorin, a priest of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, a French Missionary order. The school now boasts nearly 15,000 undergraduate and graduate students, with 77 undergraduate majors.
Pedro has worked at Notre Dame about a year, following a career of 20 plus years working in Washington, D.C. Pedro worked in communications for two different members of Congress, spent three years in the government of the District of Columbia, and served two roles in the Obama Administration. He was also the senior VP for Communications for the American Association of Universities before moving to the midwest and joining Notre Dame last October. Tune in for a conversation with a guest who’s all in for the Fighting Irish.